
All Lake Shenandoah Repairs Now Complete!!

The repair of Dam #2 is finally complete, with only a few final tasks outstanding. So it’s time to let the water back into Lake Shenandoah! The valve will be closed in the next one to two days- so any remaining tasks that lakeside homeowners have to complete, that require access to the lakebed, need to be done immediately
It will take one or more weeks for the lake to completely fill up, unless we get a very serious storm event. The lake will not be ready for recreation right away however, because it will be filled with a lot of silt and debris that require clearing- and it will be some time before we can stock it with game fish. 
The Board will review the conditions in the lake after it has filled up, and determine at what point it is safe to open up the boat launch area and let the community back onto the lake. Stay tuned here for updates.