We invite you to keep up with the news in Twin Lakes and enjoy our Newsletter! The latest announcements are below and the latest newsletter is on the right. You can also access older announcements and newsletters in their respective archives.
Latest Announcements
Single-provider trash collection reminder for TLOA
Posted on Tuesday, January 28th, 2025
The Twin Lakes Owners Association is committed to maintaining the beauty and integrity of our community. As part of our ongoing efforts to protect our neighborhood infrastructure and prevent us from raising quarterly dues, we would like to remind all residents about the importance of utilizing the current designated trash provider, Neighborhood Disposal.
The phone number to contact Neighborhood Disposal is: (434) 985-2019
Email: NeighborhoodDisposalVA@gmail.com
Their website is: https://www.neighborhooddisposalva.net/
Community inspections will look for receptacles from Neighborhood Disposal only. Violations will be sent to those with other providers. Other providers will be notified not to trespass on private property.
Per Section H, Item 5 of the Twin Lakes Community Rules: Lot owners shall, at their own expense, either (a) use the services of the Provider selected by the Board or (b) dispose of their household waste at the County landfill. Any lot owner who receives trash and recycling collection services from anyone other than the Provider selected by the Board shall inform their existing service provider to immediately end all service. Once the Board has selected a Provider, lot owners shall not be entitled to use the services of any other provider of trash and recycling collection services. No lot owner is obligated to participate in trash and recycling collection services offered by Provider.
Alternatively, individuals may take their trash to the Greene County Landfill, which is just a few miles away on Swift Run Road. They currently (2025) charge $1 per 30-gallon single (household garbage) bag. More info can be found at their website: https://www.greenecountyva.gov/196/Solid-Waste-Management
In summary, the board has chosen a single provider to ensure consistency in waste collection, maintain a clean community aesthetic, negotiate better pricing for the community, and reduce environmental impact by optimizing pickup routes and minimizing unnecessary truck traffic within the neighborhood. This essentially creates a more efficient and streamlined waste management system for the community. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
TLOA Culvert Repair Update
Posted on Monday, October 21st, 2024
We appreciate everyone’s patience during the Jonquil Rd culvert repair project, especially having the road closed, causing the detour. Mundie Trucking is completing the culvert repair on Jonquil Rd tomorrow, Tuesday, 10/22, and the road will be reopened by the end of the day. Mundie Trucking will move all of the equipment to the entrance of Morning Glory Rd tomorrow afternoon to begin the culvert replacement, and the road will be closed starting Wednesday, 10/23. Morning Glory Road’s entrance is expected to be closed Wednesday, 10/23, through Friday, 10/25. Any resident exiting or entering the community from the south side of Amicus is advised to take the detour on Jonquil Rd.
The Greene County Transportation System for the bus routes and the Greene County Sheriff’s Office have been notified. The preferred trash collection company, Neighborhood Disposal, has also been notified. If your trash pick-up gets missed on Friday, please contact the Neighborhood Disposal office and let them know. They will accommodate you on the following Monday or Tuesday. Thank you for your caution and understanding during these repairs.
TLOA 2024 Fall Yard Sale
Posted on Monday, October 14th, 2024
Happy Fall TLOA Community!
It is that time of year when the Twin Lakes Owners Association is excited to announce our fall yard sale. Please mark your calendar for October 19, 2024 from 8am to 12noon at Dam 2, the grassy location off of Amicus Rd. If you are interested in participating in selling items, please email projects@twinlakeshoa.org. There is no fee to sign up. We request that you provide your own tables and chairs and the gate will open at 7am for sellers to set up before opening at 8am to the public. Unfortunately, we will not choose another date if we get rained out, so we will cross our fingers in hopes that the day will gift us all the perfect yard sale weather day!
Many thanks,
-The Projects Team in Twin Lakes
TLOA Community Road Repair Update 10/9/24
Posted on Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
The Jonquil Road culvert replacement project was delayed due to concern for the community’s waterline. After the contractor met with Mountain Lake Water Company, the culvert plan needed to be changed. Saw cutting of the area will begin Wed, October 9th, allowing a one-lane area to be passable until Monday, October 14th, when this road area will be closed entirely for approximately a week.
TLOA Community Road Repair Notification
Posted on Monday, October 7th, 2024
The Twin Lakes Owners Association Board understands and appreciates the community’s concerns, especially regarding the aftermath of the recent heavy rains. Thank you for informing us of washout areas, road and culvert damage, and down trees.
Mundie Trucking Company will begin the culvert replacement project on Jonquil Road near Gardenia Road this week. The equipment will be moved into the area on Tuesday, 10/8, and the repairs will begin 10/9. Please be aware that this area of Jonquil Road will be closed for approximately a week. Please plan accordingly. The detour will be routed to Morning Glory Turn and Morning Glory Road to exit the community on Amicus Road. After completing the repair project on Jonquil Rd, Mundie Trucking Company will move their machinery equipment to the entrance of Morning Glory Rd and complete the culvert replacement project. This entrance will be closed during the repairs. The detour would be directed to the Jonquil Road entrance. While the project is underway, all updates and changes will be emailed.
The Greene County Transportation Department and Bus System have also been notified.
Thank you for being so patient while we work on these repairs. Please direct any questions or concerns to our APMS Property Management Co. 540.423.3879 office@apmsva.com 
Tropical Storm Debby
Posted on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024
Tropical Storm Debby is bearing down on us, is expected to pass directly over our area, and is also expected to dump 4 or more inches on us over the next four days. All residents should be prepared for large amounts of stormwater runoff, high winds, and flooding of roads and low-lying lakeside areas.
The predicted rainfall and water level rise are well within the capacity and safety limits of our dams, and therefore, the lake water levels will not be dropped ahead of the storm. However, water levels are expected to rise in response to the rainfall and as upstream water level increases, and it is possible (although very unlikely) that the emergency spillways will be activated (that water would flow around the right side of the dams). Therefore, the spillways should be considered dangerous and off-limits until the storm passes and water levels return to normal.
All boats and other property should be removed from the lakes and placed away from the shoreline. If areas of your property are located in a flood zone, flooding is likely, and appropriate preparations should be made.
As with all flooding situations, do not attempt to cross flowing water, be careful driving through standing water, and slow down when driving through heavy rain and/or reduced visibility. Be safe, and please report downed trees and other obstructions in our neighborhood to
Low water pressure
Posted on Saturday, November 11th, 2023
Notice: Many residents may have noticed a decline in water pressure today, Nov 11th, 2023. Mountain Lakes Water Company notified the HOA this morning that there is a water line break causing this issue. They are working to repair the issue.
TLOA 2023 Spring Yard Sale
Posted on Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
Dear Twin Lakes Owners,
We will have another community-wide yard sale on April 29th at the open area in front of the dam on Amicus Rd. (between Morning Glory and East Daffodil). If you want to be a seller, please get in touch with projects@twinlakeshoa.com by 4/21/22. There is no fee to sell.
Please come and visit the yard sale on April 29th from 8:00 am until noon and tell all your friends.
-The Projects Team in Twin Lakes
Lilly and Buttercup roads paving
Posted on Saturday, March 25th, 2023
Twin Lakes roads Lilly and Buttercup are scheduled for paving on Tuesday/Wednesday (March 28th/29th).
2023 Culpeper SWCD Tree Sale
Posted on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023
Owners are encouraged to take advantage of some offerings from the Culpeper Soil and Water Conservation District, which includes Greene County. Tree seedlings (order now, pickup is March 17th and 18th) are available for $1 each (5 for $5) for the following species: White dogwood, Eastern redbud, Red maple, Norway spruce, and Red mulberry. In addition, American chestnut hybrid seedlings are available (5 for $30). Live stakes are available to address streambank erosion and floodplain areas where vegetation can be challenging to establish, with Silky dogwood and Streamco willows available at $25 for 25 stakes. A pollinator meadow seed mix that covers 1000 square feet is available for $30. Free soil testing of lawns is also offered to let you know what amendments your soil may need and which types of grass will do best. Please check out the website at www.culpeperswcd.org and/or contac2023-tree-sale-updated-10.17.22t them at 540-825-8591 or stephanied@culpeperswcd.org if interested!
Update on lake certificates in the Twin Lakes community
Posted on Monday, June 6th, 2022
The Board is pleased to announce that all three of our dams are now covered by operation and maintenance certificates issued by the Virginia DCR Dam Safety division! Dams 1 and 3 received full O&M certificates which last six years. Dam 2 received a two-year conditional O&M certificate, which covers it as we repair the one slumped spot on the embankment and coordinate a table-top exercise in accordance with our emergency action plan. Please note that dam 2 (for Lake Shenandoah) is still closed to foot traffic until it is fully repaired. We are also aware that the boat ramp for Lake Shenandoah is washed out and in poor condition. The Board is in the process of seeking bids to repair and possibly upgrade this area in the near future. Happy Summer to all and we hope you get outdoors and enjoy it!
TLOA 2022 Yard Sale Announcement
Posted on Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Dear Twin Lakes Owners,
After a successful fall yard sale, we will have another community-wide yard sale on May 14 (rain or shine) at the open area in front of the dam on Amicus Rd. (between Morning Glory and East Daffodil). If you would like to be a seller, please contact projects@twinlakeshoa.com by 5/10/22. There is no fee to sell.
Please come and visit the yard sale on May 14 from 8:00 am until noon and tell all your friends.
-The Projects Team in Twin Lakes
2022 Twin Lakes annual fishing pass
Posted on Friday, March 11th, 2022
Apply now for your 2022 Twin Lakes annual fishing pass by simply emailing Tyler@apmsva.com. Include the number of adults living at the residence and all will be mailed a FREE Twin Lakes 2022 fishing pass from APMS. Simply sign the pass upon receipt and help us limit the fishing on our Lakes to our residents and their state-licensed guests only. We will also use the pass application numbers to judge interest in fishing our Lakes year to year and to possibly justify stocking them with additional game fish in the future. So if you might fish this year, send that email or call APMS (540)423-3879for FREE 2022 annual passes.
Jonquil and East Daffodil water line break
Posted on Saturday, December 4th, 2021
Notice: On Dec 4th at approximately 1 PM repairs began on a broken water line in the area of Jonquil and East Daffodil. Nearby residents have lost water and or are experiencing low water pressure. Repairs are expected to be completed sometime on Dec 5th.
Aerial Tour of Twin Lakes!
Posted on Friday, July 16th, 2021
Check out this amazing video donated by one of our newest Board members who heads the amazing team at B C Harrop Photography LLC. The aerial coverage of our lovely community even includes a review of how to find the public entrances to our 3 lakes!
Pothole Work Complete
Posted on Friday, July 16th, 2021
We have recently completed a very comprehensive round of pothole repair work. In all we addressed over 50 areas, including many spots along the sides of the road.
Click on the link below to view a map of most of the holes that were treated. Our amazing paving company, Rhoades Paving, also repaired many other small spots along the way as a courtesy.
► View Pothole Map (pdf)
West Daffodil Road Repairs Complete
Posted on Saturday, July 10th, 2021
Updated 7-16-21
We have completed the work to improve the condition and safety of a narrow, curvy part of West Daffodil (click here for map link).
The work started with placing in 12 tons of large and then small rock in the deep ditch in the area so that it was safe to roll onto in an emergency. To prevent future issues, we had to line the ditch all of the way from Narcissus Rd to the creek.
Once that was done we had a paving company come in and patch a bit of the road on the edge to give us a bit of our lost road width back. Overall this made the entire area look better and be far safer for our community.
Questions or comments? Send us an email to roads@twinlakeshoa.org.
Geranium Rd Culvert Replacement Complete
Posted on Wednesday, May 5th, 2021
After years of waiting, months of saving, and lots of planning, the repair of the largest culvert system in Twin Lakes is finally complete. In all this took the work of two great companies and over $110,000 of expense to replace two badly failing metal culvert pipes (see pic below) with two extremely durable concrete pipes as well as a very protective head wall. We recently capped off the work by paving the area to return it to a stable and beautiful part of our road and water system!


Riser Tower Trash Rack Work Complete
Posted on Thursday, March 11th, 2021
The riser tower trash racks have been replaced with more robust versions, on both Dam 1 (Greene) and Dam 3 (Skyline). The water levels will be back to normal soon, if they are not already…
All of our lakes remain open for residents to use, although Dam #2 and the surrounding common area remains off-limits as we address some slope repair tasks on the Lake Shenandoah dam. The Lake Shenandoah boat ramp (off of West Daffodil Rd.) remains open and available.
Note: there is a large dock at the rear of the parking area/boat ramp at Lake Skyline (off of Morning Glory Turn), that we are working with the owner to remove.
TLOA COVID-19 Response
Posted on Monday, April 20th, 2020
Twin Lakes Residents,
Until further notice, TLOA Board of Directors meetings will take place via video-conferencing, and not at the TLOA office in Stanardsville. In order to allow for member input on what the Board will be discussing and voting on at upcoming meetings, we will post our meeting agendas in advance for review. Please send pertinent comments to twinlakes@twinlakeshoa.org. All comments received prior to the meeting will be reviewed and taken into consideration by the Board.
In response to the escalating health crisis that is the novel coronavirus, we urge all residents to heed the warnings and recommendations of healthcare professionals, and limit all travel and social contact as much as is possible. This virus is especially dangerous to the elderly and anyone with pre-existing health issues. Remember: you are not only a potential victim, but a potential carrier.
It is vital to preventing the complete overwhelming of our healthcare system, that we all do our part to slow the spread of this highly contagious disease [COVID-19], and in keeping with that mission the Board has cancelled all in-person meetings until further notice. Board meetings will take place via tele-conferencing, and various avenues of communication will be made available (in addition to the email boxes and phone number that are already in place) to ensure that the community has a chance to express opinions on issues that the Board is discussing.
Please refer to the links below for complete information on protecting yourself and others from this pandemic:
Please find some helpful financial resources below:
Stay healthy, and whenever possible- stay home.