Lake 1 status:
Gate post repair parts have been purchased and work should begin in 2 weeks.
Lake 2 project status:
– The contract with Viola Engineering has been terminated. Unpaid invoices remain (the final one requires modification), and it is doubtful that we will receive the Summary Letter of their oversight that we require, until we pay them.
– the new company, F&R Engineering, is replacing Viola and they are testing samples for the clay core- the dam repair is on hold until we get the results. New services and testing contract was approved by e-mail vote by the Board prior to the meeting.
Lakebed remediation project:
– Section A has been completed
– Section B has begun with a 9/15/2019 deadline. This contract was approved for $93K by the board with Brock Construction, also by email vote prior to the meeting.
– Lakeside owners letter status: 2 additional volunteers came forward to allow their lots to be used for entrance into the lake for work on lakebed. All correspondence regarding the repairs are to be directed to Patrick Moctezuma, Project Manager.
Lake 3 project status:
– A proposal by F&R was approved for $1,700 by e-mail vote by the Board prior to them meeting , for the engineering inspection of Dam #3 and completion and submission of the O&M certification to Virginia. The inspection has been completed, but the certification application has not yet been received from F&R. Deadline is the end of November.
– lock and chain to be installed on leveling device. A recommendation was made to keep a boat on hand for this.
– gate installation has begun.
EAP’s and TableTop Exercises:
Peggy recommended that the Board accept F&R proposal to both update all EPA’s and run the tabletop exercise (for all three dams), for $5,000. Frank offered to review an EAP over the weekend and report to the Board if he could handle the tasks. A deadline of Wednesday was set (8/21/2019), after which – if Frank did not take on the tasks – Patrick would call for a Board vote on the F&R proposal.