We have mostly just small road projects to report on at this time, though we are still hoping to address the failing Carnation Rd culvert this year one way or another. More significant road paving will be taking place in 2020 when the budget has settled out with the current lake restoration expenses.
Here is a summary of current projects:
- After about 8 months of waiting, we have just finally gotten Makco Inc. to travel up to give us some guard rail installation estimates. We are waiting the estimates to replace the rail we had to remove for culvert replacement on Morning Glory Turn, and to possibly install new rail on one side of the hairpin turn on Morning Glory Road. We are also awaiting a bid for a less expensive wooden fence in the same area.
- We have finished establishing two new V-ditches (East Daffodil up from Goldenrod and Morning Glory Turn up from Jonquil) and had them lined with heavy rip-rap rock. This will control rain run-off and prevent further road erosion in those areas. We are also fixing the road in those areas in the next couple of weeks.
- We have accepted the quote for $5300 by Rhoades Paving to repair 15 holes and other road damage. Work should begin within a couple of weeks. We have posted more details about this in a separate news post.
- We are awaiting the repair of the Zinnia STOP sign. The estimate has been received and accepted. The site should be repaired soon.
- We are going to request another estimate for the Carnation culvert repair while we save money for the repair and should have this in hand in a few weeks. This will give us all information needed to act on this repair as soon as it is financially possible.
- We have completed the first of two community-wide brush trimming services where we cut all brush 4ft back and 12ft high on all roads. If you have an area that was not trimmed back properly, please let us know at roads@twinlakeshoa.org.
- We are in the beginning stages of planning to put up some signs warning of upcoming bus stops for the larger areas that accumulate cars and children. The budget may force this to wait until next year, but we hope it can be done sooner.