The recent storms have given us the rainfall that we needed to finish refilling our largest lake, and the final water elevation has been reached! It has been a long and rocky road to get here, but one of Twin lakes greatest assets has been restored.
The Boat Launch area accessible from West Daffodil Rd. was opened for all residents on Saturday, August 8, 2020.
Much of the northern part of the lake is more of a shallow marsh right now, due to the vegetation that was able to spring up as we waited for rain this summer. It may take colder weather to truly rid us of all of it, but we will get back to open water everywhere, in time.
We thank all of the lakeside property owners that have cleared away vegetation from the lakebed, provided status updates and wildlife reports, given us important feedback during the project, etc. This was truly a community effort on many levels.
The common area off of Amicus Rd. and the dam itself remain off-limits, as we continue to get the dam properly “stabilized” with vegetation, maintain erosion controls as required by regulatory agencies, and work towards official completion of the project and termination of the open permits (which includes getting our hefty construction bond back from Greene County).
Stay updated on our website at, and direct any questions/comments to