Several more important milestones have been reached in the Lake Shenandoah Restoration Project! The entire lakebed has now been cleared of over 6 years of uncontrolled plant growth. This was a surprisingly challenging project, involving limited access, ground so soft that it couldn’t support men or machinery in many places, deep waterway trenches to bridge, and a changing shoreline that created its own challenges. 6 weeks later, however, the work has been completed- the lakebed is ready for water. (It remains crucial however, that no trespassing occur on the lakebed- it is unsafe for several reasons and anyone ignoring this danger creates potential liability for the association, that we all may end up paying for.)
The second milestone just reached is the switch-over from the old corroded steel primary spillway pipe, to the new and massive concrete one. The original pipe is now being deconstructed and removed, as the bottom end of the lake (dear the dam) fills up to the new Low Level Valve opening. Quarter Creek is now flowing through our new riser and pipe, down to Lake Skyline!
The dam repair project is now entering its final phase, that of the back-filling and compaction of the dam (along with the construction of a new internal “chimney” drain), installation of the concrete outflow collar at the plunge pool, and other finishing work. We urge all lakeside residents to complete any shoreline/construction projects by the end of this month, to ensure that everything is ready for the return of the water.
Any questions? Email us at