
Update on lake certificates in the Twin Lakes community

The Board is pleased to announce that all three of our dams are now covered by operation and maintenance certificates issued by the Virginia DCR Dam Safety division!  Dams 1 and 3 received full O&M certificates which last six years.  Dam 2 received a two-year conditional O&M certificate, which covers it as we repair the one slumped spot on the embankment and coordinate a table-top exercise in accordance with our emergency action plan.  Please note that dam 2 (for Lake Shenandoah) is still closed to foot traffic until it is fully repaired.  We are also aware that the boat ramp for Lake Shenandoah is washed out and in poor condition.  The Board is in the process of seeking bids to repair and possibly upgrade this area in the near future.  Happy Summer to all and we hope you get outdoors and enjoy it!